




The Kashia Housing Department exists to create opportunities to meet the housing needs of enrolled members of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, by maximizing the utilization of available resources to ensure services are provided in an efficient, professional, economical and timely manner, by developing and maintaining effective partnerships with other Tribal, Federal, State, Local and Private entities, and promoting self-sufficiency and a better quality of life.


Housing Director:  Raymond McQuillen

Email:  raymond@stewartspoint.org

Housing Assistant II (Rental Assistance):

Norma Garcia, 707-591-0580, ext. 114; email: norma@stewartspoint.org


Housing applies for and receives annual IHBG (Indian Housing Block Grant) funds from NAHASDA (Native American Housing Asssistance and Self Determination Act of 1996), a division of HUD, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.  These funds are regulated and may only be used to assist low income Native American families. These funds may be used for a variety of housing-related projects.  Housing applies for annual ICDBG (Indian Community Development Block Grant) funds, also a HUD program.  Housing also applies for BIA/HIP funds and other grand funding as may be relevant and available.


Rental Assistance:

Housing uses IHBG funds to provide assistance with rent and security deposit payments for low income families in need.  Funds are limited and certain requirements must be met by applicants.  If eligible and funds are available, a family may receive up to 12 months of assistance.  They contribute 30% of their adjusted income towards rent; housing provides the balance.  Housing can provide assistance within Sonoma, Napa, Lake and Mendocino Counties.  For more information, contact Norma Garcia.

Job Training and Placement:

Housing recently began a pilot program designed to assist Tribal Members succeed in their search for employment by helping them to assess their marketable skills, create professional resumes, letters, professional social network pages, job search techniques and other skills, all in a supportive environment.  Open to all Tribal Members and their families.  For more information, contact Norma Garcia


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